There are some basic regulatory principles that are neutral when it comes to technology that could be used and that would be easy to adapt.
The other aspect that most stakeholders have been wanting for years is the implementation of a forum that would allow people to sit down around a table and discuss these issues intelligently, coherently and in an organized manner. It's one of the suggestions made in the task force's discussion paper. Although it isn't easy to put in place, it would be an extremely useful tool. There are already some forums, but they aren't enough.
Obviously, the considerable challenge we are facing in this sector, as is the case in the telecommunications sector, is that there are a small number of players who are extremely influential and who have so far found the situation very much to their liking. So the change is likely to upset them a little. We need to explain to them that if we make this change correctly, in a larger market, even with perhaps a slightly smaller share, they are going to make more profit and even they could be winners.