Thanks very much.
Good afternoon.
As you heard, my name is Michael Geist. I'm a law professor at the University of Ottawa, where I hold the Canada research chair in Internet and e-commerce law. I appear before the committee today in my personal capacity, representing only my own views.
I want to congratulate the committee for launching the study of e-commerce in Canada. It's a critically important issue, deserving of greater attention.
While the committee has identified some excellent questions, I would boil the issue down to a single one: why have Canadian consumers embraced e-commerce but Canada has failed to produce many significant global e-commerce success stories?
The Canadian consumer success story is well known. We're among the global leaders in Internet use and online video consumption. For several years, Canada was the world's largest per capita user of Facebook. Netflix launched online only, first in Canada, and quickly grew to one million subscribers. And digital music sales have grown faster in Canada than in the United States for each of the past five consecutive years.
Yet despite the growth on the consumption side, we punch well below our weight in creating global online companies, an issue recognized by a McKinsey study prepared for the G-8 meeting in France earlier this year. There are exceptions, of course—Club Penguin, Flickr, AbeBooks, and StumbleUpon, among them—but most are bought out by larger U.S. companies before they have the chance to grow into global players.
Canada does have its share of e-commerce SMEs, but the multinationals that employ thousands and generate billions in revenue have largely eluded us. The question is why. There are no doubt many factors—venture capital, market size, appetite for risk—but as they say, when you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail. When you're a law professor, you see legal and policy failures.
Over a decade ago, Canada established the e-commerce law basics, including enforceability of online contracts, privacy rules, and some online consumer protections. But these were just the price of admission. The success stories often lie in countries that went further. I believe companies like YouTube, Google, and Facebook could have been Canadian, but legal rules made it less likely.
For example, YouTube could have been Canadian. The company would have been called iCraveTV, a Toronto-based online video startup that launched in 1999. It streamed television programming, supported by advertising along the bottom of the screen. It was YouTube years before YouTube was YouTube, and it relied on Canadian law to do it. The U.S. objected, and within months of launch the service was shut down, and Canadian law changed as we caved to the U.S. pressure.
Google could have been Canadian. The company would have been called OpenText. OpenText is, of course, Canada's largest software company, based in Waterloo. Before Google was even a Stanford graduate student project, OpenText was providing the search technologies for companies like Yahoo. U.S. copyright law has a fair use provision that Google later relied upon to index the web and become a multi-billion-dollar company. Canada still has a more restrictive fair-dealing approach, and OpenText opted for managing content in the corporate market, which doesn't raise the same legal issues.
Facebook could have been Canadian. The company would have been called Nexopia, which is now an Edmonton-based social network that is still active. It was founded in 2003, a year before the launch of Facebook, but unlike Facebook and thousands of other U.S. companies, Canada does not have a rule that grants legal immunity to intermediaries for the postings of third parties. In the U.S., the Communications Decency Act, section 230, has been used by all the giants—Facebook, Amazon, Google, and eBay—to limit risk and liability for the postings of their users. In Canada, we don't have the same protections, and the risks faced by anyone operating online are far greater.
I could go on. We could talk about why Skype was unlikely to be Canadian because of the regulatory and competitive environment for telecom companies. We could talk about how Zillow, the online real estate giant, couldn't be Canadian because of restrictive rules over the use of listings data. We could talk about how Amazon couldn't be Canadian because of foreign investment restrictions.
Canada has failed to build the competitive legal and policy e-commerce framework, and we now live with the consequences.
So what comes next? There are numerous policy issues that ought to be put on the table, not all of them a matter for the federal government, as some fall within provincial jurisdiction. I'll quickly highlight four, and perhaps we can discuss more during the question period.
First are the privacy and marketing rules. We should move ahead with the anti-spam rules, not diluted through regulations, as some are calling for. Ensure swift passage of the just introduced privacy measures in Bill C-12. Moreover, the next round of privacy law review is due this year. We need tougher enforcement measures put on the table and retention of the principle of court oversight for mandatory personal information disclosure.
Second is copyright flexibility. Today and tomorrow's e-commerce businesses rely far more on the flexibility of copyright law, not the digital locks that form a cornerstone of the current copyright bill, Bill C-11.
Third, other countries have adopted fair use, and yet more are considering the issue. Canada should do the same. An equivalent of the CDA section 230, which I spoke about earlier, for Internet intermediaries is absolutely crucial. It would, however, require provincial cooperation.
Fourth, and finally, is removal of foreign investment restrictions and other competitive barriers in many sectors that touch on e-commerce. Foster a more competitive Internet environment with a set-aside for new entrants in the forthcoming spectrum auction.
Note that Canada may have been the first with an online-only Netflix, but we also hold the dubious distinction of having had Netflix offer bandwidth-reduced versions of its content due to Internet data caps and high costs. The impact extends well beyond the consumer market, as it directly affects e-commerce businesses as well. Canada may have missed out on a generation of e-commerce leaders. We must not miss out on the next one.