An investor here in Canada, a person with his RRSP or whatever, wants to invest in a company and invests and suddenly finds out that the minister says it's not Canadian. “Well, I didn't know that.” Now the idea the person has perhaps that it might be sold to foreign investors or whatever suddenly is a problem. Doesn't that create uncertainty?
How is an investor going to know what the heck is going to go on, and isn't it the case, according to the Canadian Bar Association, that it may even happen after the fact? According to the provisions of Bill C-60, it looks like this declaration could be made at any time. There is no requirement for the minister to do this in advance of a takeover. He can do it afterwards and nullify it. When investors are trying to decide what they should invest in and are looking for companies that will potentially have some gain, maybe because they'll be sold in some cases, how are they going to know?