I can give you the example of what the Government of Quebec is doing with tax credits for e-business development.
That program was implemented about 10 years ago and will end in 2015. It has been a conduit for digital economy in Quebec. Companies—both SMEs and large businesses—have benefited from it. It has even been a conduit for international companies. SITA and some other international companies have set up shop in Montreal to take advantage of that credit. This program is very simple in terms of application. I think it is a nice example of what is being done in Quebec.
The government is currently deciding whether to renew the program. We at the Fédération des chambres de commerce du Québec are strongly advocating its renewal, and even its expansion to include the manufacturing sector, which our colleague Mr. Lavoie belongs to.
I think this is a very nice example the federal government could consider. The program is simple in terms of application, and it works very well when it comes to e-business.