Not to put too fine a point on it, I think the digital economy touches every sector of our national economy. Point to any company now that doesn't have a billing system, an e-mail system in the cloud, and laptops, tablets, and smart phones, they need people who can understand how to get value out of them. I think if we don't have a national strategy to drive that forward, to structure, to make it cost-effective and understandable to businesses not just like mine.... I speak technology, and we do this all day. I hire people who tear apart Xboxes at home under their bed, but there are a lot of companies out there for whom technology is daunting, but they really need to invest in this area to grow forward. Yes, if there's room to help every sector of our economy to understand how to apply ICT in a more creative and cost-effective way, I think we'll all be the better for it.