Thank you for the question.
The big part of this is that it has to start at a very early stage, down to the high school level at grade 10, because there is not enough awareness and training that kids can go into ICT as a career. So when you look at the ICT community today, it is a fairly small community and there are a significant number of job gaps. Most of the kids are still not properly trained in this area.
Several initiatives are under way. The Canadian Coalition for Tomorrow's ICT Skills is looking at some of the new programs for universities and high schools to promote that notion. So there has been some development. If you ever get a chance to look at CareerMash as a website, it talks about why young kids should go into ICT as a career choice. So we need to start there. If you don't have that and you don't have sufficient ICT-trained professionals, all the downstream technology development, usage, and adoption will suffer.
We feel that the training part is a critical component in terms of building the overall knowledge base.