I believe that the mobile wallet is here. It is going to come to Canada, and it'll be used very heavily. Essentially there is a bunch of other things that need to happen. Your mobile phone carries your credentials now. So when you walk up to a grocery store and you don't have your debit card, you'll give them the mobile phone. They can give you the credentials, so the power shifts to the consumer's hand.
There are a bunch of issues from a technology point of view that need to be addressed, but the underlying infrastructure is there. I think the infrastructure that's getting deployed in Canada is robust, and I think the infrastructure will be there. There are regulatory issues. There are start-up companies in this economy that may require support through incubation, commercialization, and privatization. But as for usage and utilization, it is here, and we need to get on with it, because that is the future and every other country is doing it. Emerging countries are doing more mobile transactions today than we are doing in Canada.