Ian can probably talk with regard to the Industry Canada program. He's there where the rubber meets the road and it's his members who are the SMEs looking for staff.
What I can say to you, though, is that Canada has a skills problem that is well on its way to becoming a skills crisis. It doesn't matter where I go in the country, what I'm hearing from employers is that their inability to get their hands on the skills they need is increasingly creating a serious impediment to their ability to grow their business, or even to maintain their position. Anything that helps to increase the skills base, anything that helps to ensure that young Canadians get those first-time jobs, and get experience in the workplace, and develop good work habits, and have a better understanding of how the workplace works is all to the good. We are in intense global competition today, and skills are really the capital that is going to be absolutely critical to our success.
Ian, did you want to comment on the program itself?