Allow me to say two things in answer to your question.
In Canada, there already exist solutions to those problems. Let us take, for example, New Brunswick. Indeed, 100% of New Brunswickers have access to high speed Internet. That is one example. Various technologies have been used to reach this objective.
One must however be careful. There are different technologies that exist and that can provide acceptable results, but that do not necessarily deliver the best results everywhere. Indeed, certain technologies give better results in areas where there is a higher concentration of people than elsewhere.
I would like to add another very important thing. We are talking about innovation, but it is not solely up to the government to innovate. Individuals everywhere must innovate. It is fine and dandy for the government to adopt all sorts of policies and programs and to spend all of the money at once, but if individuals fail to adopt innovation as simple second nature, there is nothing that the government will be able to do. It is therefore essential to encourage people to adopt the technology and to innovate. Innovation also means changing one’s way of thinking.