There are different mechanisms in place to enable consumers to know. First and foremost, consumers obviously need to know what plan they have, if they have a plan. Is it prepaid, post-paid, and how does it work? That's number one: the consumer needs to be informed, needs to have that information.
But there are different programs that you can access from your smart phone. You can look at your account and see, minute to minute, how much data you've consumed and where you are in your plan. Certain devices have apps that will do it for you, and there are providers that will send you notices to let you know you're getting close to your limit.
So there are different options. I will not say there's one option among all carriers; some see a competitive advantage in the way they interact with their clients to give them that information.
What's important is to make sure that consumers can get that information so they can make choices for themselves.