Much has been said about the cloud today, and with respect to bandwidth—and not only mobile bandwidth. Of course, this is absolutely critical for the future. As more and more technology and more and more information are held on centralized servers and cloud computing is being served up, they vastly increase the bandwidth requirements. Certainly today, some of the more intense operations for bandwidth revolve around gaming, for instance. We see here in Canada a wide-ranging difference in quality of service, depending on where you are and when things are being served up.
Perhaps for all of you, where do you see the government coming in and investing in that infrastructure to be able to increase the quality of service? I think that's certainly detrimental to businesses that are in cloud computing, where they don't have that confidence that everything is going to be there when they need it.
Mr. Lord was talking before about the huge demand for more. With respect to antennas, I worked in northern Alberta last year where, on one construction site, we went from a 5-megabyte connection to a 100-megabyte connection within a few months and it still didn't help in getting the antennas up. We nicknamed one of the towers the “Yeti” tower, because nobody had ever seen it and it took too long to get up.
Where do you see the government coming in and pushing for that infrastructure to increase bandwidth to meet those needs three, five, and ten years out?