I would draw your attention to the work being done by the payments task force launched by the Minister of Finance. I am not intimately aware of it, but I understand that many similar recommendations to what we have talked about will be embodied in that group. There is a broad set of potential policy issues here.
In many ways, if you look at some of the protections today.... In the physical world, you can lose something very easily; you can lose a wallet. I know that in the electronic world, if I take this device here and I have to properly protect it, I may have some of the same contents in the wallet, but I can have this shut off. I can call Rogers and ask them to disable it right away. So in some sense, the technology can give us potentially greater protection than what we have today in the physical sense.
As you note, when we start talking about mobile payments, we are not only capturing the payment but there's also the fact that while these payments were done in the past via credit card or cash, they can now be captured at the retailer. A cash transaction would be done there by a mobile device, so you do have more information about the behaviour of an individual. So it's important that we have regulations. And I think we likely have them, but it's clear to all, including consumers—which is why we talk about education—that they understand that when they tap their mobile device to complete a $30, $40, or $50 transaction, the retailer will be familiar with the types of transactions they are conducting at their location.
Some considerations need to be put in place. A big part of it is education.