I think you can do it over about a year and a half. If you did it full time, it would take you about a year to do, I believe. It includes about 10 courses. We hire people to deliver them. I don't have time anymore, but last year I delivered the introductory course.
This all ties into the question, what is an environment? This is nowhere close to where we want to be, which is to have your young people growing up in an environment and being exposed to business opportunities and feeling that they can go forth and start their own companies and do so earlier and earlier. You have, for example, native Californians doing that. I spoke about my three months at Plug and Play Tech Center in California. You also have people from all over the world going there, and they intersect. We all know stories of Apple and everyone else who comes out of that area of the world.
The model would be.... Fortunately, the Canada Media Fund has identified this. They created an accelerator pilot program this year, and I think only seven or eight companies were accepted into it. My company is one of them. I'll be able to work with Thompson Dorfman Sweatman in Winnipeg and LaunchPad in Winnipeg, a start-up sort of initiative, with my own lawyer as a mentor and along with access to venture capital to finally be exposed to saying, “Here's our business plan; what do we do; and let's see whether it works.”
What that means is simply now I can emphasize the take-to-market idea. Sure, we're going to create a product. We need to reach 10 million players—that's what we want to do—and we have nine months to launch the product. We're starting that program. This week we will write our take-to-market plan and will work very closely with mentorship, some of which we will import, from people who have a track record of putting that kind of success out on the App Store, where Apple takes its 30% and you get your 70%. I think there was a question about that earlier.
Or we have software on a system called Steam, for the Mac and PCs. Steam is one of the biggest software distribution of games in the world, if not the biggest. It's by a company called Valve.
We've had success. We did a kick-start campaign. We were successful with it. We have people in New York who promote us. That's what this would be.
But let's not put emphasis just on what the concept is. Let's put more emphasis on how to take it to market, and let's try to reduce.... Writing thousands of pages over the last three years was tough—it did, as I say, hone us—but I'm sure we can reduce the application process for the federal incentives we have, for which people compete desperately. I think this increases people's competitive edge.