I note that in budget 2014 we have funding for business incubators and accelerators. I don't know that this company, Red Barn Games, is still considered a start-up, given that in addition to the word game I mentioned it also has Rodger Dodger, Egg Foo Yung, and Good Ol' Days Soapbox Racing.
We have that in the budget. Additionally, we have some regional development corporations.
For example, in Ontario we have FedDev. They have a variety of programs that any entrepreneurs can access. In eastern Ontario we have the eastern Ontario development program, which is specifically designed to increase capacity and jobs. It's not just jobs for as long as the grant lasts; it's to provide capacity so that the businesses will grow and need more jobs. I have an idea, if developers come asking for some access to capital, where to direct them.
In the news these days there has been quite a bit of ink devoted to this currency called “bitcoin”. Do any of you accept that currency, or is it impacting upon your companies currently, or do you see a potential impact in the future?