In recent years, things have not been easy for us in terms of labour mobility. Delays are getting longer every year, so it is very difficult to know when people will be able to start working on our projects. They sometimes arrive too late. This has been a topic of discussion for a number of years. The workforce issue is still very current. Sometimes, changes are made that help us in one area and hurt us in another.
A few issues have had an especially strong impact on us recently. Authorities take a very long time to issue work permits, both here in Canada and in various Canadian embassies. In addition, there is a lot of red tape standing in our way.
All kinds of other measures have been implemented recently. For instance, work permits are limited to four years, and constrains have been proposed to the intra-company transfer program. All those things complicate the situation in terms of labour mobility.
Again, hiring abroad is really our last resort. The process is extremely expensive and long. If we could find people locally, we clearly would.