Perhaps I could speak to the other disciplines.
With regard to art design and programming, in Prince Edward Island, both Holland College and the University of Prince Edward Island have developed a curriculum for video game development. Many of the modules are taught by industry people, whether they be from our company or from other companies that are operating in Charlottetown.
In Newfoundland, the College of the North Atlantic has also hired an industry specialist who is heading up their video game design curriculum there. Certainly our company regularly will participate in co-op programs with Memorial, hiring engineering and computer science students.
A lot of these things are going on. I think it's a matter of needing....
In your particular area, it sounds like you need more of that. For us in the Atlantic region, the colleges and universities have been really great at working with us.
There needs to be more of it. It's very demanding on a small company like ours to have to do these things pretty much on our own. There needs to be support to help us work directly with the educational institutions.
It's also important to remember that juniors can't provide the quality of product we need to remain competitive. At the end of the day, we can still only hire so many juniors. Within our company we still need to have senior people, who right now still need to come from outside our regions, often from outside the country.