Mr. Landry, you were talking earlier and I'm sorry I won't be able to ask you this question because I have other things I want to capture. Hopefully somebody else will let you talk more about it.
You spoke about the case of Finland and Supercell. We heard extensively from Jason Della Rocca last week about that and the success there.
You also mentioned equity crowd source funding. Crowd sourcing is something that small start-ups are increasingly making use of through, for instance, kick-starter campaigns, or in some cases where a campaign started that way and got much larger.
Chris Roberts, who helped to develop the Wing Commander games, started his own company with a kick-starter campaign and it grew beyond there, and now, as of this moment, Roberts Space Industries, is developing a new game. This is a brand new company without any previous development. They have crowd sourced $39,652,743 from 401,594 distinct individuals.
I'm hoping perhaps someone else will be able to ask you to expand upon that, or you could provide more information for the committee down the road, because to help start-ups to grow, that's one of those important sources of revenue, beyond tax credits, beyond direct grants and funding from government, because unfortunately we have a limited pool.
Mr. Peacock, you were talking about some of the potential bumps in the road. These are things that could upset Canada's current competitive advantage because there are other countries that are waiting to take the business, to take the talent, away from us. Could you go more extensively into what we need to do to smooth those bumps in the road?