Allow me to answer in English.
Going back in time, the accelerated labour market opinion process was quite popular with employers. They appreciated the faster processing. The suspension of that, obviously, has had an impact on some employers using that program. We have, over the recent months, made sincere and important efforts to improve our LMO processing times to meet employer demands.
Minister Kenney has made some public statements around prioritizing applications from employers who are hiring highly trained, well-paid positions. I don't want to get too far ahead of the minister, but I will say that this issue around needing timely access to foreign workers at the high end of the skill continuum is something that I've heard directly from the gaming sector.
I think as a department we have a fairly robust and good understanding of the challenges that they're facing and certainly have made sincere efforts to improve their access. We are certainly focused on making sure that the time of the process is not an impediment to their meeting their needs.