If I may, that's a very narrow way of looking at all that we're doing for small business. That's one envelope. Of course, we have the venture capital action plan as well. We also have the suite of programs that are offered through BDC. We also, of course, offer one of the lowest costs of starting up businesses in Canada. We have the lowest taxes in Canada in 55 years. We've lowered taxes, as you've heard us say many times, over $3,000 for the average family. This has been praised by and supported by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, the Canadian Federation of Independent Business. Those who represent small businesses that you're describing, have said that Digital Canada 150 is a huge step in the right direction in supporting small businesses and encouraging their growth.
We can disagree and partisanship being what it is, you can flick a jab at me if you like, but those who are in the business of advocating for small business like what we're doing.