We could spend more, but I think it would betray our commitment to Canadians to balance the budget. I don't think this is entirely a role for the state or for government. We have funds set aside through the BDC and they do spend money and spend it efficiently, but they support enterprises in a way that commercial banks don't. They have a unique mandate in the way they support small business; I believe well over 90% of all their grants go to small businesses, which are defined as businesses under 20 employees. The amount of support they're giving us is quite extensive.
We could do more but I think part of the answer lies in your question, which is if you look at other jurisdictions around the world, whether it be Samsung or others, these are private sector investments in enterprises in the future. It is a challenge for this country, and has always been—it was under your government; it is under our government—to get a greater return and a greater investment into skills training and into growth and into venture capital by the private sector. That's why we are.... Joe Oliver, I know it's a central part of his mandate that he's spoken about as finance minister and the Prime Minister to incent the private sector to further invest in Canada in the way that they are in other jurisdictions around the world.
It is a challenge, and it's not entirely of course the role of the government to direct all this. One of the best things the government can do is get out of the way and provide the conditions for more attractive investment, not to direct investment.