This is meeting number 28 of the Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology where we will be studying Bill C-43.
I received a letter from the Chairman of the Standing Committee on Finance, dated November 4, where he asked us to consider certain portions of Bill C-43 that were germane to the industry department and that's what we're pursuing right now.
I'm going to introduce our witnesses in a second.
Colleagues, if I could just do a bit of business. I will take the opportunity to forward this letter to you, but I wanted to just bring it up at a committee meeting.
We were invited by an organization called Startup Canada to partake in an information breakfast with them with prominent entrepreneurs. One of the hosts will be Sir Terry Matthews, accompanied by Dr. Adam Chowaniec.
I will make sure that this information gets to your offices. I wanted to let you know that it will be on November 25 and you're expressly invited as members of the Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology.
Monsieur Côté.