We think we have a pretty good process—we're always improving it—in helping young entrepreneurs succeed, and my team and I have some ideas about how to do even more. This will allow us to help many more people. We figure that right now we're reaching somewhere between 10% and 15% of the potential market of young people who want to open businesses. Being able to access private sector loan capital will allow us to expand our numbers.
Last year, we helped launch over 800 businesses across Canada. By March 31, it will be close to 1,000, and we would like to increase by 10% every year. We can't look to government to be funding all of that, and the private sector donations only get you so far. This unlocks private sector capital in a way that every other organization like ours around the world, I can tell you, is looking at very hard, and they're saying, “If you can figure out how to do this, we can do it in South Africa”, or Brazil or wherever. It's pretty huge, what it can do for us.