Well, to answer the political question that I guess in part came from Ms. Nash, as a committee you can propose amendments and consider them, as with other legislation that we've brought forward, like the Copyright Modernization Act, and so on. You will vote on them and consider them, and they will be considered by the House at report stage when the bill comes back.
There's a procedural issue, of course, in that if the bill is amended it does go back to the Senate for reconsideration of the bill, because the process is reversed. But I certainly wouldn't advocate taking away from members of Parliament their right to deliberate over legislation and offer thoughtful amendment if it strengthened the bill.
To Ms. Nash's point, if members of this committee have amendments, if any member of this committee has suggestions on how the legislation might be improved, we can certainly do all we can to provide this committee with the necessary background information to understand its implications for the bill, and whether or not it would in fact strengthen it.