I'd like to pursue the questions of Mr. Warawa around consent, because it is a topic that is certainly addressed in Bill S-4, and it's a very important topic that most people truly don't understand in an era of rapidly changing technology.
I discovered to my surprise that I ended up owning one of these TVs. It's a good thing I never get to watch it, but it apparently has the potential to be allowing someone to listen in. It would be pretty boring, but....
I wanted to ask you specifically about children. You did mention the consent of children. We're going to be hearing from the Chamber of Commerce, and they have said in their submission that your office has not been hampered in its efforts to protect children through ensuring valid consent; therefore, a specific valid consent amendment is not needed. What's your view on that? We'll ask this question also to the chamber, but do you believe that a specific valid consent amendment for children is needed?