Colleagues, ladies and gentlemen, bonjour, mesdames et messieurs.
We are in the 37th meeting of the Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology.
I'm going to introduce our guests very quickly, but I want to give a heads up to all the members at the table. Maybe there could be some conversation among the parties offline and we could begin the clause-by-clause examination on March 31. We have no other witnesses at that point. For many reasons, many of the witnesses who were put forward by all parties decided not to testify before the committee. With that in mind, we can move up the date a little bit on clause-by-clause study, if everybody is ready.
I'll leave that to some informal conversations, and then you can advise the clerk or me as to your readiness for that eventuality.
Before us today is the British Columbia Civil Liberties Association, Micheal Vonn, policy director.
From the Canadian Bankers Association—
Was it the Canadian Bankers Association that was stuck on the tarmac the other day? No, it was the insurance...? Sorry. I was simply going to offer our deep regrets that you had to suffer in a plane and then had to come here, but I'll save that for the appropriate folks.
—we have Linda Routledge, who is director of consumer affairs, and William Crate, director of security and intelligence.
From we have Meghan Sali, campaigns coordinator.
From the Retail Council of Canada we have Jason McLinton, senior director of federal government relations, and Karl Littler, vice-president for public affairs.
I have a problem here on my orders of the day. That won't happen again.