Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Thanks to the witnesses for being here today.
It's interesting that as we do legislation there always seem to be three categories of potential amendments. Everybody has suggested modifications to the legislation. You either have people who want to add something that isn't in it that they think should be in it; or you have people who take a look at changes that are being made and don't agree with them and want them not to be made; then, there are some technical changes, as almost always someone will suggest some kind of technical wording.
It's interesting that the first category in a sense seems to fit, Catherine, most of what you have had to say. You talk about some clarity around provincial authorities, but I would argue that the legislation, in I think proposed subsection 26(1), says:
The Governor in Council may make regulations for carrying out the purposes and provisions of this Part, including regulations
This includes, as it is written in the existing act:
(a) specifying, by name or by class, what is a government institution or part of a government institution for the purposes of any provision of this Part;
So we have the ability to do that through regulation and I think you would be satisfied with that as a mechanism. You just want to make us aware of the need for some clarification there, I believe. Is that right?
I was interested in your second recommendation, deleting “next of kin” as your number two area of refinement.
Why would you do that?