Thank you, Mr. Chair. Thank you for the invitation to appear in front of the committee. I apologize that I'm not bilingual, so my comments will be in English. I'm an associate professor and the director of the Privacy and Cyber Crime Institute at Ryerson University and I'm appearing as an individual. I research privacy and I've been privileged to appear in front of the access to information, privacy and ethics committee as well.
I am not going to repeat comments that you heard from earlier witnesses in previous meetings. I take these hearings that the committee is conducting at this time as a sign that the government is interested in considering some amendments to the bill before it proceeds. I would like to reiterate what previous witnesses have said that I think the following amendments should be considered by the committee.
First, I think the committee should consider adding order-making powers to section 12.1 of PIPEDA for the commissioner. Section 52 of the B.C. or Alberta personal information protection act can certainly serve as a model. That does not preclude leaving in the provision for compliance agreements that is in the new proposed bill, which would be the new section 17.1. I'm happy to discuss the reasons for my thoughts on this if we have time for questions later, but other witnesses have already made this point.
Second, I would suggest to the committee that it delete proposed paragraph 7(3)(c.1). That would eliminate the possibility for government institutions to request personal information without judicial supervision. I think that point has also been made by previous witnesses, so I would leave that for questions as well if there's any interest.
Third, I would leave paragraph 7(3)(d) as is. In other words, I do not think the committee should proceed with allowing organizations to share information with other organizations. I think that the committee should leave the investigative body model that is currently in PIPEDA intact and that point has been made.
I would like to spend my time introducing a new point to the committee, as far as I know, and that is regarding the issue of workplace privacy that is in this proposed bill. To the best of my knowledge it has not yet been discussed. Under PIPEDA the personal information of employees of a federal work, undertaking, or business is protected and the collection, use and disclosure of it requires the consent of the employee. That's currently in PIPEDA in paragraph 4(1)(b).
Bill S-4 proposes a new section, section 7.3, that will govern such employment relationships, according to which employee consent will no longer be required. Employers will have to notify employees instead. That's going to be in the new paragraph 7.3(b), but they will be able following this notice to collect, use, and disclose information that, quoting from the bill, “is necessary to establish, manage or terminate an employment relationship.” That's the new paragraph 7.3(a).
In my opinion, as currently worded, this presents an unfortunate erosion of workplace privacy that ignores previous OPC findings as well as Federal Court decisions. I note to the committee there's a decision from the Federal Court for Eastmond and there's another one for Wansink. I can provide the full citations later. The implications are broader than just for federally regulated employees. Labour arbitrators for those employees who are unionized look to PIPEDA as a guidance and as a source, and to the OPC guidelines. Employers in provinces that do not have private sector legislation look to PIPEDA as guidance even though they do not fall under the jurisdiction of PIPEDA directly.
The proposed amendment appears to follow B.C.'s and Alberta's PIPA, but in my opinion it does not. In those provincial laws—and bear with me, please—the collection, use, and disclosure must be reasonable for the purposes that I've listed. For reference, in the British Columbia act, those are sections 13, 16, and 19. I quote from paragraph 13(2)(b) of the British Columbia Act:
the collection is reasonable for the purposes of establishing, managing or terminating an employment relationship between the organization and the individual.
The new section 7.3 does not refer to the reasonable standard at all. I imagine that's presumably because PIPEDA has built into it subsection 5(3) that says:
An organization may collect, use or disclose personal information only for purposes that a reasonable person would consider are appropriate in the circumstances.
I would hope the committee would follow me in seeing that existing subsection 5(3) refers to the purposes being appropriate to the reasonable person, and it does not refer to the collection or the use or the disclosure as being reasonable. If you want to follow the B.C. and Alberta model, of course the collection and use and disclosure should be reasonable. The purposes of managing, and so on, the employment relationship, needless to say, are reasonable already.
In my opinion the current wording in the bill would allow, to take perhaps a little bit of an extreme example, an employer to install closed-circuit television cameras inside washrooms at the workplace, for the purpose of managing the workplace as long as a notice was posted to that effect. I would argue that for the purpose of managing the workplace and wanting in that case to ensure that facilities are clean and well maintained, doing that is reasonable. But the collection of personal information would not be reasonable in that situation. That is the distinction that I wish to draw to the attention of committee members at this point in time, which I don't think has been articulated up to this point.
I would suggest two simple amendments as a result. One would be to simply add the word “reasonable” before “necessary” so that the amended clause, which would create the new paragraph 7.3(a) would read “the collection, use or disclosure is reasonable and necessary to establish, manage or terminate an employment relationship between the and the individual”. Alternatively you may wish to consider amending the clause by borrowing language used in Quebec's legislative framework. Section 2087 of Quebec's Civil Code requires employers to protect the dignity of employees, so the committee may wish to consider an alternative formulation such as, “the collection, use or disclosure protects the dignity of the individual and is necessary to establish, manage or terminate the employment relationship”.
I'll make one last point on this, Mr. Chair, before I end my comments. I do think that employees cannot meaningfully consent to their employers' practices in an employment relationship. In that sense I do think that it is useful to move to regulating employers' conduct in those circumstances. I could add more on the issue of consent, but again I think you've heard from earlier witnesses in previous meetings.
I will leave it at that regarding the point on privacy at work. I would be happy to answer questions if there is any time.
Thank you again for the invitation to appear today.