We need this type of provision. But I am a little worried that they will be used in fishing expeditions, so to speak. Information will be exchanged, to see if something comes out of it and if a file has to be opened. That is our concern.
I listened to the testimony of representatives of the insurance companies and other organizations. I understand the fraud issues. We need to target the type of situation that could arise with that type of information exchange. We have to ensure that before an exchange is authorised, there is a reasonable doubt, and that a certain amount of investigative work has already been done and that this is not a fishing expedition.
I think part of the solution could also be transparency. If there were transparency during an investigation it could happen in some cases that one did not obtain the necessary information. Could transparency be a factor afterwards? We would to think about that, but I feel transparency would be appropriate in this type of exchange between organizations, whether we are talking about insurance companies or other private sector businesses.