The way medicine is practised in Canada is a little bit down the road from where I tend to focus when I'm thinking about disruptive technology. That would be more in the area of health technology. I'm not sure I have an example ready to hand, but the area of drug development is really designed to impact health care 10 or 15 years from now.
Another example is regenerative medicine, in which, if you can use stem cell therapy to recreate tissue, you can eliminate disease. For example, in type 1 diabetes, if you can recreate the tissue that's not working in the pancreas, you don't have to treat it anymore. So the entire market for the tools and the drugs that have gone into treating that disease has now become replaced with a new therapy that will have its own supply chain, that will have its own expertise base.
If that kind of technology is developed, say, in Toronto or in Vancouver, then you can expect that to be an economic opportunity, but far down the road.