We've mentioned a number of tools. I'll just take a step back and mention a bit of a chapeau that can relate to disruptive technology directly.
The government released a revised S and T strategy in December of last year. There are a number of forward-looking commitments in there that relate to disruptive technology. The first one I mentioned is to have a balanced approach to both basic and applied research. Another one is to continue to provide record support for science and technology research. Another one is the concept of scaling support for business innovation programs, some of which we've already mentioned. There is a commitment to looking at the full impact and how those could be scaled up.
There's one in particular that relates to your question of bridging that gap that is sometimes called the “valley of death”. There is a program in the aerospace sector called the technology demonstration program. Currently it is only focused on the aerospace sector. It is competitive-based, non-repayable, and higher up in the risk spectrum. There is a commitment in the strategy to look at the success of that program, even though it's a relatively new program, and to consider potentially applying it in other sectors.
Certainly on the topic of people, there's the topic of having resilience and being able to adapt to change, so all of the talent programs are important too.