Thank you very much, Mr. Chair, and to our witnesses, thank you very much for coming. As the chair said, unfortunately you sat here by yourselves last week. We're glad you came back.
That was a very interesting deck. It's quite exciting to see all of the opportunities that are in here. When Mr. Lake mentioned disruptive technologies, I think we all looked at him and said, “Disruptive technologies? Okay.” But it's an amazing deck, full of lots of the exciting opportunities that are out there.
In a recent tour that I had in Waterloo of one of the incubator sites, one of the frustrations they voiced was needing more money, of course, as many of these small projects need to try to get to commercialization, and so on. Industry Canada seems to do a very good job. Clearly, just through listening to the three of you, I can sense your excitement in what you're doing, and you probably want to do more.
How can you help them more to get to the commercialization market and on the issue of patenting and how to get through the patent process? There clearly were lots of success stories there, but the need for more assistance from Industry Canada was made quite clear as well.
I would be interested to hear from any of you what else we can be doing to make sure they have the kind of support that they need and that clearly you want to give.