One example is, in fact, the digital economy strategy, which really has an innovation component, a content component, and a skills component, where it's recognized from the beginning that if we really want to capitalize on the advent of new big data and analytics applications we need to have all of those working together. Of course, when I talked about collaboration, what's critical is to recognize that in the team that I talked about we don't want to be a kids' hockey team, that we work with universities who are, as Kevin Fitzgibbons was saying, a source of creativity, new ideas, and invention.
NRC's role is to be able to take ideas that are really demonstrated in the laboratory and incorporate them, integrate them, into technology demonstrations and applications, and then to work with industry to ensure that we actually understand where the market opportunities are. All three components of the innovation system ideally need to be working together if we want to really optimize our ability to capitalize on technology disruptions.