I think it's an excellent question, and I think the younger we start, the better. The first thing you need is someone who has that entrepreneurial intent, and the percentage of Canadians who think about starting their own businesses is smaller than we would like, so you have to start early.
Once they have an idea, getting them advice, mentors, exposure to potential customers, and a deep understanding of the end-user are critically important. Too often you end up with flying pigs that no one wants. You need that interaction between young people who have a great idea and the potential market.
Here's a good example. We were talking about drones. One of our DMZ companies just raised $2.5 million in crowd-sourced funding for their drone, DreamQii. The secret sauce in the DMZ is partly culture, but it's also location, location, location. We have 300 people coming through that place who are potential investors and customers. We have Heather Reisman walking down the hall and saying, “I'll take one of those and here's the cheque”. That's an oversimplification, but a kid working in their garage does not have the same opportunities for exposure to mentors, for exposure to customers, or for exposure to investors that they do in a place like the DMZ.
Of course, there's Communitech, and there are incubators all over. That's key, and so is providing the potential seed funds to get them started. We've worked really hard to have laddering so that you can get a little bit of money to start, and then the funnel narrows and you have to go through another competition. We pick the best out of those. You get more money and more money, and so on.
You may all know that we recently partnered with a number of private sector investors, the Ontario government, hopefully the federal government as well, for Scale Up Ventures to try to address exactly the problem with the valley of death, where you get to the $200,000 investment level and then you're stuck.
You really have to take an ecosystem approach to it. I think Canada is doing well, but it certainly can do a lot better. Does that answer your question?