It will create jobs. It will create opportunities for new things that don't exist right now.
What's killing jobs in this country is low productivity. I was telling Wendy that here we fabricate 45 dollars' worth of goods in one hour of work. In the U.S., it's $60. That is killing jobs. The 3-D printing and automation are not the problem. They are the solution to that productivity problem.
It's also the solution to our demographic problem, because we have a reverse pyramid here, where a lot of people are retiring. Also, I think we have a big education gap in this country, right? That is exploding in our faces right now, because people don't have the advanced mathematics for the 80% of manufacturing jobs that out there right now. They cannot access manufacturing anymore, which wasn't the case 25 years ago. You could work in a pulp mill or in a sawmill. You didn't need that much education. It's totally the opposite today.
All of this is a solution, not a problem. For example, 3-D printing is going to change manufacturing when you have more materials that can be used on a printer. Think, for example, of all the inventory you need to carry in a country for, let's say, spare parts or automotive parts. Let's say you go to the dealership because you need new brake pads. They don't have them. They have to order them, and then they come in the next day. That's a lot of time and a lot of resources. I can envision a future where you're just going to print them on demand when you need them.
So it's going to create—