One of the things that results in success is failure. You have to be able to tolerate failure. You have to be able to allow them to say, “This isn't going to work”, to pivot, or to join a different company. I would say that we'd rather have three out of five than two out of two. Encouraging that kind of risk-taking behaviour, where failure is a badge of courage and not something to be ashamed about, is hugely important.
In addition to supporting some of the programs that reinforce these opportunities for young people, government is a huge potential customer. Right now there are a lot of restrictions on procurement and so on. We've heard strategy after strategy for the last 20 years. Government should be a model user. Government should be a place where there are opportunities to experiment, to innovate, and to give some of these young people a chance to sell and try their products. Governments should be the first customer. The City of Ottawa, OC Transpo, was one of Hossein's first customers.