I do think there are a lot of habits and ways we do things as a country. This is something we're all going to have to be extremely concerned about as we are moving into an era of the Internet of things. If it's true that our personal health, in the era moving forward...and I think there are a lot of economic benefits to monitoring and tracking elderly and vulnerable Canadians, people who are sick. Part of that is to make sure there's embedded security in all the systems. I think there is quite a bit of work being done in Waterloo. While I do not know what's happening across the country, I do know that in Waterloo, the areas of quantum cryptography and quantum information systems and security are very important. These areas are now being worked on by the Institute for Quantum Computing, the faculty of mathematics, school of computer science, and the department of electrical and computer engineering. In fact, I would say all researchers and users are highly alerted and the area of cybersecurity is front and centre for them.
I also want to talk a little bit about BlackBerry. I think the BlackBerry operating system is still the most secure in the world. It truly is. I think for instance that years ago they also purchased a QNX system, which is used right now in automotive applications and, in fact, right now in transportation systems. QNX is seeing a lot of applications, more than just the cellphone. That security will be the differentiator for the industry.