We've disrupted ourselves so many times forward and yet our employment rate is the highest it's ever been. I'd say that one of the things we need to say, and it was expressed by many of the speakers here, is we have to move to the future and skills are necessary to do that. It's partly why the ecosystem comes into play in making sure that we don't just think about ourselves and our own domain, whatever organization we're in. We have to think about the adjacent spaces, and especially from that people and skill development point of view.
If I was in a way being selfish as a business...analytic skill is at a huge deficit. Canada is in the middle of that deficit, frankly, although we have some of the best higher education. So we're dragging some of our students to Silicon Valley. Shame on us. We have to think about ways to bring them here, really incent our students to want to thrive here. The way to do that is to do some of the things we're talking about in a collaborative way.