Thank you very much, Ms. Nott. I'm sorry, I don't mean to cut you off, but I do have to get to one other item. As you probably noticed before you were so rudely interrupted, we had a bit of an issue here about whether and when our committee should move in camera.
I had the privilege of moving a motion on behalf of our caucus a while ago that I want us to return to at this point. It was:
That the Committee may meet in camera only for the purpose of discussing: (a) wages, salaries and other employee benefits; (b) contracts and contract negotiations; (c) labour relations and personnel matters; (d) a draft agenda or draft report; (e) briefings concerning national security; and that all votes taken in camera be recorded in the Minutes of Proceedings, including how each member voted when recorded votes are requested.
I think it's really important that we deal with that issue today. It's what got us into the mess this afternoon. I think we should clarify the rules under which we move in camera, especially in committees like this where we're being rude to witnesses—