Bill C-8 as written does give the Minister of Public Safety and CBSA broad discretion with respect to addressing issues of bad faith from a request for assistance that may be frivolous or vexatious and which could—as you mentioned—have impacts on an importer. There is a process. The bill provides for a process for a rights-holder application, which CBSA has the discretion to accept or not. Therefore, if it is viewed that it would be a bad faith issue, we cannot accept a request for assistance. Also, we would have the discretion as written not to extend a request for assistance from a rights holder.
In terms of the liability clause that exists in C-8 , we do also have the opportunity or the discretion not to action a request for assistance where, for instance, there would be an issue of bad faith. We will, as part of our FA process, ensure that there are safeguards in that process to prevent bad faith requests or abuse of the system. As well, we will ensure that we are doing appropriate tracking and monitoring of those requests for assistance to ensure that they are timely and responsive so that there are not undue impacts on the importer.