Thank you very much. I'm very pleased to be here. You can probably tell this is my first time here too, so I'm catching up on my notes.
I'm from the riding of Windsor—Tecumseh, which is right next to the riding of Windsor West. I have a portion of Essex County as part of my riding.
We're very interested in innovation. I know you hear a lot about the automotive sector, but historically—and I'm going back to the 1970s—research was always something the government had prioritized. We worked in collaboration on both sides of the river. I remember when I was in high school in the 1970s. In Pontiac, Michigan, all the researchers came together with funding, and they were working on improving batteries.
My point is that you always have to have the next big thing, so I'm glad to see that research is a big part of the mandate. That's something we can't underestimate.
All I wanted to do was to ask you a little bit about some of the challenges we still have in our area, which were mentioned in I believe the comments from Alain. There is competition from emerging markets. I wondered if you could explain a little bit or describe a little bit what those markets are.