Yes. I'll be brief.
Yes, absolutely, seal hunting is a critical aspect of sustenance in many communities, particularly in the Inuit part of the north, the marine Inuit part of the north. It has been an ongoing source of food, clothing, and so on, and it is now a source of other kinds of local arts and crafts as well, which we support.
The certification and market access program for seals arose from Canada's response to the EU ban on seal products and, following the resolution of that issue, how to enable indigenous peoples, in the north in particular, to re-access that market. We partner with the Government of Nunavut, and the $63,000 goes to working with the indigenous hunters and craftspeople to be able to be better positioned to market, distribute, and promote these goods, particularly into the EU market. It has a broader impact than that, though, we're pleased to note.