Welcome, everybody, to our open mike on copyright. As you all know, we're doing a five-year legislative review of the Copyright Act. The study will be about a year long, and we have decided that on top of our regular committee meetings in Ottawa, we are going to go across the country. We're here in Halifax today, and we'll be in Montreal tomorrow, and then Toronto, Winnipeg, and Vancouver. We'll continue doing the same process, with two panels and an open mike. The reason we wanted to do this is that we're hearing from lots of organizations, but we thought it was very important to hear from individuals as well. Hence the reason for the open mikes at night.
There are some basic ground rules. I'll call out your name, and you can come up to the mike. We're going to try to keep it strictly to two minutes, because this could evolve into something else. You'll have two minutes to say what you want to say. We'll be taking our notes. Everything is being recorded. We won't be asking any questions. Keep an eye on me. I'll flag you down when you have 30 seconds left. We'll try to keep it nice and tight.
Are there any questions?
We're going to start. The first name I have here is Alison Balcom.