Those fees of $13.50 are considered to be a solution that is, frankly, so inexpensive for students. The amount itself is definitely pretty reasonable. On the one hand, people are saying that the amount should be increased, and on the other hand, they are saying that it is currently low. We feel that making a population that is already in a difficult situation, students, pay more to give more money to authors, who really need it, I am sure, is not a solution.
Coming back to my analogy from earlier, playing Robin Hood by taking from people in a vulnerable situation to give to others in the same situation is not a solution we feel is justified.
Some aspects deserve to be examined when the act is overhauled. In our opinion, it is false to claim that fair dealing for educational purposes is a negative aspect. Australia aside, we see that other countries are following the example of Canada's innovative initiative in that regard. It would be counter-productive, in 2018, to make students pay more.