Here is one piece of feedback I would give you, in terms of the ombudsman. If I'm a banker and I am lending money and running into BDC and there's competition taking place, it takes a pretty shady banker, if you ask me, to then report on their potential client with BDC and destroy the deal on the other side. Also, you're not going to have the client report on themselves to that ombudsman, when they're getting a better deal. They wouldn't destroy the competition to lower their price or to extend their terms or whatever it is.
I don't know how often you guys do this, but that's why I think a review and audit internally of those items makes a lot more sense. But I understand why the ombudsman is there and how they do their job.
Thank you for the presentation and thank you for answering the questions.
Finally, let me ask the CSA this. In the late eighties and early nineties we had some amazing programs: Canadarm, the Canada hand, Spar Aerospace at the time, then MDA robotics, etc. How do you see us, going forward, matching that type of innovation, which put us on the map throughout the world? We were still selling aggregates based on the original research and development of that product.
How do you see us getting back into that position, because it doesn't feel as though we're in that place anymore. It's not a five-year issue. It isn't a 10-year issue. It's probably 15 years since we've been at the forefront.