I have a couple of other questions, if time permits.
In your opening statements you may have talked about this a little bit, but could you explain the idea of working with EDC as an SME grows and wants to expand their business and insure their receivables and do all the stuff that they do? That would be one question.
Another one, which I've talked to other businesses about, concerns lines of credit. In some businesses, when you quote for a job you have to get a bond to basically back up that you're going to be able to do the work and not go broke or whatever. For some businesses, if they're in the small range, it's very difficult, because they have to get a line of credit, and sometimes it's just not doable. You can do the work and you can complete the work, but you just can't meet that covenant, either a line of credit or being able to get a bond for $300,000 or $400,000 or $500,000.
Is that something that you do? Is it something that you would look into doing to try to help those small and medium-sized businesses grow?