We're in 100% agreement with that role for BDC to play because it isn't appropriate for a crown corporation to compete with the head of the private sector, and as you say, it's inefficient use of resources to put resources, investments, loans to a certain place where the private sector can exist.
It's something we're always looking out for, both on a day-to-day basis as well as strategically. We make about 12,000 loans per year, so there will be some that frankly cross that line, if you will, in terms of being competitive rather than complementary. It's something we look out for. We have an ombudsman. We have quality assurance in place to restrict it.
The market is constantly moving. These financing options, especially with fin tech, are constantly changing. We're constantly looking at the marketplace and our role to make sure that we stay focused on being complementary and help by providing access where access doesn't exist.