Thank you very much.
I know it's not easy to sit and listen to this stuff and I know it isn't easy to actually come up to a microphone and speak to a bunch of politicians, but trust me when I say that the reason we're here is to hear these stories. We may not necessarily hear these stories in Ottawa. Again, that's why we're here today.
I can assure you that we have a lot of questions. You can go to the INDU website and follow along. You can see that our members are asking the same questions that you guys are asking: Where is the money going? Universities are paying more. Publishers are getting less. Authors are getting nothing. Where's the money going? We're asking those questions, in part because we're hearing that from folks like you.
I want to thank all of you for coming today. I encourage you to follow along on our website, and submit a brief or even just some correspondence, a letter, if you think you have something to add to the story. Please feel free to do that. We would all appreciate it.
Thank you very much, and now, go watch the hockey game.