Unfortunately, it is not as simple as that, because each case at the board is different and complex. Sometimes a particular tariff might need a month of analysis. Other cases might need six months of analysis. It's very difficult to do a direct correlation between the money and the time.
There is something that cannot be compressed. It's the overall complexity of each of the files, and the inherent time, and—I think Mr. Majeau said this in his presentation—whatever resources we have we still need a corps of people who have enough time to understand the issues.
Remember that many of our cases involve making original legal interpretations of some new amendments to the act. On the economic side, some of our economists work at the top level with the various experts who appear before us, trying to understand a new game theory that an economist has thought about that would create a specific value for a tariff. We need time to think, incubate, and eventually produce a decision, and regardless of the money, that cannot be compressed.