Yes, I will share those.
I'll put my cards on the table. I have constitutional concerns with the anti-circumvention provisions. I've written about this for 25 years. Copyright attaches to expression. It's built into the law. You don't get a copyright on ideas. You get a copyright on expression. Expression is also, obviously, the domain of freedom of expression, subsection 2(b) of the charter. Any kind of limitation on accessing that content, accessing expression, has to be demonstrably justifiable in a free and democratic society.
How on earth current versions of the anti-circumvention laws meet that test is beyond me. I think in the appropriate case, perhaps the sort of case you're talking about, we'll see a court agree with my view of the constitutionality of those provisions, but it's going to take us a while to get there. I think it's open to this committee to take a look at those provisions and see what we can do before we force those organizations to go to court.