I guess it's going to be me.
As I concluded in the opening statement, we do appreciate the fact that Canada actually has a pretty robust and balanced copyright system. We think that the balance is struck pretty well between rights holders and users and folks who want to innovate with content, and we would urge the committee to continue down the path of having a flexible system.
Beyond the specifics of the framework, in terms of the smaller emerging artists, I think one of the biggest challenges they have faced, from what I understand, is this question of discovery and being able to find new audiences or to find people who discover them because they like what they're doing. Sometimes it can be very niche and very specific. A platform like Facebook, which is a discovery platform, actually enables that. The ability of creators and artists to have a presence on Facebook and be able to connect directly with people is a very powerful thing. For the Internet writ large, this is how that ecosystem has worked. Being able to continue to have frameworks that allow for an open and innovative Internet is a very good thing for emerging creators.
I don't know, Probir, if you have some thoughts on that....